The Modules

Modules are configuration files that contain instructions to modify your software environment. A module file contains the information necessary to make an application or library available in the user's session.

The modules are managed by the software Lmod 7.4.

List the installed modules

The command $ module available or $ module av or even $ ml av lists the modules currently available.

[dpena@vm-gce17 gce17]$ module available

--------------------------------------------- /opt/modulefiles/compilers ----------------------------------------------
   gcc/4.9.4 (D)    gcc/5.4.0    gcc/6.3.0    intel/2017.1.132    pgi/16.10

------------------------------------------------ /opt/modulefiles/mpi -------------------------------------------------
   intelmpi/2017.1.132    openmpi/2.1.0/gcc-4.9.4 (D)    openmpi/2.1.0/intel17    openmpi/2.1.0/pgi-16

--------------------------------------------- /opt/modulefiles/libraries ----------------------------------------------
   hypre/2.10.0b    metis/4.0.3    mkl/2017.1.132

------------------------------------------------ /opt/modulefiles/apps ------------------------------------------------
   quantum-espresso/5.3.0/intel17    quantum-espresso/6.0/intel17    vasp/5.4.1/intel17

----------------------------------------------- /opt/modulefiles/tools ------------------------------------------------
   advisor/2017.1.1.486553    idb/2017    inspector/2017.1.1.484836    vtune-amp/2017.1.0.486011

   D:  Default Module

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules.
Use "module keyword key1 key2..." to search all possible modules that match one of the keys
(key1, key2).

Operations on modules

Load a module

To load a module, for example the gcc compiler in version 6.9.3, just run the command:

$ module load gcc/6.3.0

To load the intel compiler, the MPI intel and mkl libraries run the command :

$ module load intel intelmpi mkl

You can add a load module command in your ~/.bashrc. The modules will then be automatically loaded when you connect.

Unload a module

To remove a module from your environment, for example the module gcc/6.3.0 run the command :

$ module unload gcc/6.3.0

Unload all modules

To unload all the modules in your environment, run the command:

$ module purge

List the loaded modules

To list the modules currently loaded, run the command $ module list:

[dpena@vm-gce17 gce17]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) intel/2017.1.132      3) mkl/2017.1.132   5) hypre/2.10.0b
  2) intelmpi/2017.1.132   4) metis/4.0.3      6) advisor/2017.1.1.486553