Connect from a unix terminal

  • To connect to your EXPLOR work environment, launch from the terminal :

    $ ssh -p your_connection_port your_login@

In order to avoid having to specify the connection port for each command ssh,scp,rsync,... we recommend the use of an SSH alias

Creating an SSH alias

  • Create a file `~/.ssh/config on your personal workstation and edit your file
Host meso-explor
    Port your_connection_port
    User your_login
  • Modify the file permissions :

    $ chmod 644 ~/.ssh/config

  • You can now connect to the mesocenter with the following command :

    $ ssh meso-explor

  • To copy a folder from your workstation to your EXPLOR workspace you can then use the command :

    $ scp -r dossier_posteperso meso-explor:.

  • instead of

    $ scp -r -P your_connection_port file_posteperso your_login@

Change the default password

To change the password, use the command :

$ passwd

Please change your password on your first connection

Login without password

After changing your password, you can also choose to log in without a password using an authentication key.

  • From your personal workstation launch the command :

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa

  • Press enter twice.

  • Copy the generated public key to your EXPLOR environment :

    $ scp ~/.ssh/ meso-explor:.ssh/authorized_keys

You can now log in from your personal workstation without entering a password.